CVA - Valve Association Standard BS - British National Standards EJ - Nuclear Industry Standards JIS - Japanese Industrial Standards YB - Metallurgical Standards DIN - German Standards HGHGJ - Chemical Standards ASTM - American Society for Testing Standards Q / TH-a machine chemical general machinery professional standards API - American Petroleum Institute standards DF - high pressure helium valve design standards MSS - American Valve Association standards GB - national standards ISO - international standards JB - Machinery Department Standard ANSI - American Standard SY - Oil Ministry standard NF - French standard DL - Department of Energy machinery

It has Single axis and Multi axis processing functions,

Computer programming auto processing

Process tolerance. and process accuracy of machine are up to the industry standard.

Deep Hole Drilling Machine

Beam Latching Machine

Beam Latching Machine,Steel Fabrication Machine,Beam Process Machine,Beam Drill Machine

Shandong ShuoFang Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. ,